
We coach leaders and senior executives. Our approach will enable you to reach your full potential by maximising your performance and productivity and accelerating your path to success.

We work with organisations to create high performing teams with increased productivity, profitability and growth.

We seek to make senior leaders, high potential individuals and teams more effective and influential.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is the fastest and most effective form of leadership development. It is used by many businesses as their primary leadership development tool as it has clear benefits to both individuals and organisations.


Executive coaching is the fastest and most effective form of leadership development. It is used by many businesses as their primary leadership development tool as it has clear benefits to both individuals and organisations.


In a challenging, busy and competitive working environment, we will give you the opportunity and space to:

  • Pause and reflect on your personal goals, aims and ambitions and allow you to be clear on what it is you really want to achieve in business and in your life.
  • Understand where you are right now and what is stopping you from achieving your goals.
  • Assess the options that are available to you and introduce new thinking and ideas.
  • Motivate you to take decisive action and make positive changes which will ensure you fulfil your full potential.


As your Executive Coach, we will work with you on a confidential 1:1 basis to help you to reach your full potential and that of your teams and the organisations you represent. 

As part of the coaching process, we will: 

  • Use a wide range of psychometric and behavioural tools
  • Actively listen
  • Notice and explore your patterns of behaviour
  • Challenge your thinking and beliefs to enable change
  • Guide and advise you
  • Encourage and motivate you to take action
  • Focus on rapid and tangible results


Our Executive Coaching will enable you to: 

  • Make better business decisions
  • Successfully manage and increase motivation of your team
  • Effectively manage stress, conflict and change
  • Get clarity on and achieve your personal and business goals
  • Successfully transition into more senior roles
  • Manage interpersonal issues, such as low confidence and impact

Executive Coaching Process


  • Chemistry session
  • Understand coaching context
  • Establish goals and vision
  • Establish coaching agreement and confidentiality
  • Discuss goals with
    if appropriate
  • Obtain 360/psychometric
    assessments if appropriate


  • 6 – 10 coaching sessions
  • 60 – 90 minutes duration each session
  • Typically 4 – 6 week
  • Face to face or virtual
  • On demand
    sessions available
  • Each session to include:
    check-in, follow up and
  • Action planning



Coachee to:

  • Action agreed tasks
  • Update
    of progress
  • Provide mid-term


  • Review coaching process and outcomes
  • Celebrate achievements
  • Discuss further development
  • Assess ROI
  • Revisit 360 if

Team Coaching

We help organisations create high performing teams by increasing their productivity and performance.

Quite simply a team can accomplish what individuals can’t do on their own. Therefore, team performance is crucial to a team’s and an organisation’s success.

Team coaching can help teams effectively and successfully: 

  • Manage and overcome major organisational changes, such as reorganisation, mergers or acquisitions
  • Create a new work plan or strategy
  • Achieve goals and get to the next level
  • Deal with conflict and change such as team mergers or new leaders.
  • Increase engagement of team members
  • Improve the culture within the team
  • Increase performance and efficiency
  • Reverse or avoid burnout

Team Coaching and how it can benefit your team and the organisation:


We help organisations be more successful by increasing the productivity and performance of their Board, leadership and management teams. We work with these teams to enable them to become more cohesive, effective and collaborative.


The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), defines Team Coaching as follows:

Team Coaching focuses on helping the team collectively achieve the team’s work in terms of both task work and team work through a sustained series of conversations that raises the individual and collective level of reflection and self-awareness, and challenges the team’s thinking and behaviours as they develop their own sustainable solutions and practices.”


At the crux of our Team Coaching programmes is creating sustainable change in the behaviour of the individuals in the team. As Team Coaches, we will 

  • Establish the teams’ goals and purpose and create alignment with the goals and purpose of the organisation. 
  • Gain an understanding of the team dynamics. 
  • Obtain 360/psychometric assessments (if appropriate) at start and end of team coaching programme
  • Establish measures of success
  • Help the team create and implement a plan to achieve their goals and maximise their collective potential.
  • Use different tools and techniques to help the team achieve their goal. 

Team Coaching can be delivered face to face or virtually. It can also include a mix of whole team and 1:1 executive coaching as part of a leadership development team coaching programme.


Team coaching increases productivity and performance of the organisation, the team and the individuals. Intrinsic benefits include: 

  • Improved team culture and dynamics  
  • Enhanced psychological safety enabling team members to develop safe and trusting relationships
  • Increased communication between team members
  • Increased employee engagement 
  • Increased resilience of team  
  • Enabling the team to better manage conflict and change.
  • Enabling the team to maximise their collective potential, purpose and goals


We seek to make senior business leaders, business owners and aspiring leaders more effective, influential and have greater impact.  We deliver webinars and experiential workshops on different topics including: 

  • Business planning
  • Exploring and understanding when and how to use different leadership styles. 
  • Goal setting 
  • Increasing self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  • Increasing confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome
  • Increasing resilience
  • Gaining work life balance and avoiding burnout
  • Transformational and Transactional Leadership
  • Leadership Behaviours
  • Influencing and Motivating others
  • How to get the best from your teams

Benefits of Executive and Team Coaching


Benefits to the Individual

• Successful transition into senior and C-Suite roles
• Enhanced personal impact and performance
• Better decision-making and strategic planning
• Increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence
• Enhanced leadership and management skills


Benefits to the Team

• Increased productivity and performance
• Improved team culture, relationships and dynamics
• Effective management of change and conflict
• Increased engagement and motivation of team members
• Alignment of purpose and goals amongst team members


Benefits to the Organisation

• Improved business performance, productivity and culture
• Improved organisational and strategic decision making
• Increased employee engagement and retention of senior people
• Helps identify and develop high potential employees
• Helps identify both organizational and individual strengths and development opportunities
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